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9th International NCCR climate Summer School "Adaptation and Mitigation: Responses to Climate Change
29.08.2010 - 25.09.2010 
Grindewald, Switzerland -
Field School


The NCCR Climate, Switzerland's centre of excellence in climate and
climate impact research, invites young scientists to join leading
climate researchers in a scenic Swiss Alpine setting for keynote
lectures, workshops and poster sessions on the occasion of the 9th
International NCCR Climate Summer School 2010.


(click on the image for a PDF poster of the event)

The topics covered at the NCCR Climate Summer School 2010 will include:

* Emission scenarios and the future of the global climate
* Economics of climate change: an overview
* Assessing costs and benefits of climate change
* Adaptation and Mitigation: instruments, strategic aspects and
* Climate policy and international negotiations

The summer school invites young researchers from all fields of climate
research. The courses cover a broad spectrum of climate and climate
impact research issues and foster cross-disciplinary links. Each topic
includes keynote plenary lectures and workshops with in-depth discussion
in smaller groups. All summer school participants present a poster of
their research and there will be ample opportunity for discussion.

Lecturers for keynotes and workshops (confirmed):

S. Buob (U Bern); W.R. Cline (Peterson Institute for International
Economics, Washington DC), T. Cottier (World Trade Institute U Bern); S.
Fankhauser (London School of Economics, UK); C. Hope (U Cambridge, UK);
R. Knutti (ETH Zurich); V. Koubi (U Bern); R.O. Mendelsohn (Yale U,
USA); G. Müller-Fürstenberg (U Trier, GER); O. Nartova (WTI U Bern);
T.F. Rutherford (ETH Zurich); D. Schröter (PIK, GER); G. Stephan (U
Bern); T.F. Stocker (U Bern); Ph. Thalmann (EPF Lausanne); F. Vöhringer
(EPF Lausanne); R. Winkler (U Bern); M. Wüest (SwissRE)

The summer school is open to young researchers (PhD students and
Post-Docs) worldwide. Participation is highly competitive and will be
limited to a maximum of 70. The registration fee (1'200 CHF) includes
half board accommodation, excursion and teaching material. A small
number of grants will be available for students from developing countries.


Successful applicants will be notified in February 2010.

Detailed information and the application form are available at


University of Bern, NCCR Climate Management Centre, Zähringerstrasse 25,
CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland, mailto:,
Telephone +41 31 631 31 45, Telefax +41 31 631 43 38.


Grindewald, Switzerland