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Links and resources for general interest and educators around the theme of People and the Polar Regions. Please send other suggestions to Rhian Salmon (
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) Janus and Manumina, young masters' students from Ilisimatusarfik, University of Greenland IPY Projects Related to People This page lists 30 major IPY projects that are related to People in the Polar regions. International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences ...
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Photos, stories, biographies, and contact details for many IPY partners participating in the People Day on September 24th, 2008 Lars Poort Growing up on the island of Bornholm, a small island in the Baltic Sea with rich geological diversity, Lars found an interest in science and the natural world early on. After completing his BA in language and geography from the teachers training college he moved to Greenland. For the past six years he has taught English and science in communities in the northwest of Greenland, and in a settlement on the east coast of Greenland. In 20...
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People have lived in the Arctic for many millennia, developing skills, strategies, and community knowledge to survive polar conditions. They succeeded by learning to use local foods from land and ocean, by learning to move safely across land, ice, and ocean, by circum-Arctic trade, and by perpetuating their knowledge through language and culture. In recent centuries resource exploitation and political activities imposed from outside the polar regions have changed the livelihoods and well-being of polar residents in good and bad ways. Climate change and renewed exploitation present urgent challenges to Arctic people. Health Arctic people face many of the same health issues as people living elsewhere: infectious diseases such as hepatitis or HIV/AIDS; c...
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September 24th, 2008 marked the sixth quarterly International Polar Day, this time focusing on People. The Day was a great success, including three live radio events streamed from the Arctic, a global on-line discussion forum, unprecedented virtual balloon launch, and media coverage around the world.
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Launch a virtual balloon to show your participation in the IPY Global Community To see your your balloon fly immediately, follow these simple steps: 1. Sign in to Tagzania 2. Select "Post" (top right), then "Point" 3. Find your location by clicking 'Go directly to the map' 4. Add the tag ipyglobalcommunity 5. Fill in your other details: name, description, photos, links.... 6. See your balloon appear on the IPY Global Community Virtual Balloon Launch Map. Click on the balloons to see the p...
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Wednesday, 21 May 2008 19:52
People: Instructions for Virtual Balloon Launch in different languages
Written by Nicola Munro
Here you can find instructions on how to launch a virtual balloon in several languages: Arabic: Arabic (PDF) ??: (Chinese) ??????????????????“???????????”??? ??????????????????????????? 1. ?Tagzania??? 2. ??“??(Add point/route)”?????????
Published in Features
Summary sheets are available for download in many languages. Polar landscapes and polar terrestrial ecosystems extend from southern cold maritime islands to dry continental deserts in Antarctica, and from tree line across the continental tundra to remote northern islands in the Arctic. Ice, in the forms of permafrost, snow, and ice cover, plays a dominant role in all these environments, and the biological communities survive through remarkable adaptations and extensive migration. Polar ecosystems also survive in ...
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The following scientists are happy to be contacted by media and educators. Return to Main Land and Life page Dr Byron Adams studies: Byron Adams is an associate professor in the Microbiology and Molecular Biology Department at Brigham Young University. He works with Diana Wall’s soil team and other members of the MCM LTER. He is interested in molecular evolution and systematics of nematodes...
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To see the instructions in other languages, click here Launch a virtual balloon to show your participation in this International Polar Day: Land and Life. Return to Main Land and Life page If you have difficulty launching your balloon, email your name, location (latitude, longitude or town, country), and IPY message to
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. It may be 24 hours, however, before your balloon ...
Published in Features