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Friday, 07 December 2007 03:51
IPY-relevant sessions at AGU
Contents: 1. IPY Science Day: Ice Sheets, December 13th 2007 2. AGU 3. Data Coordinators 4. IPO in December 5. IPY Events and Conferences 6. Logos and Clothing 7. Two recent meetings 8. Blog on From: IPY International Programme Office To: IPY Project Coordinators cc: IPY Community Google Groups 1. IPY Science Day: Ice Sheets, December 13th 2007 December 13th marks the second IPY Science Day, focussing on Ice Sheets. You can find information from more than 20 IPY Projects researching various aspects of Ice Sheets on, as well as an educational flier, in 16 languages, and information for teachers and media. Show your involve...
Published in News And Announcements
Friday, 07 December 2007 02:24
IPY Report: December 2007
Contents: 1. IPY Science Day: Ice Sheets, December 13th 2007 2. AGU 3. Data Coordinators 4. IPO in December 5. IPY Events and Conferences 6. Logos and Clothing 7. Two recent meetings 8. Blog on From: IPY International Programme Office To: IPY Project Coordinators cc: IPY Community Google Groups 1. IPY Science Day: Ice Sheets, December 13th 2007 December 13th marks the second IPY Science Day, focussing on Ice Sheets. You can find information from more than 20 IPY Projects researching various aspects of Ice Sheets on, as well as an educational flier, in 16 languages, and information for teachers and media. Show your involve...
Published in News And Announcements
Wednesday, 21 November 2007 17:12
"Polar Research" - issue 26:2 now available
Polar bear family feeding on a seal, Northwest Passage, 1999. © Hinrich Bäsemann, In the September issue of Polar Research, the politics of science is one of the themes in an essay by historian Stian Bones, who examines Norway's role in past International Polar Years, starting with the first one in 1882-83. Bones describes the strengths of the scientific traditions of this polar nation, and he examines the varying motivations that have driven Norwegian involvement in International Polar Years. Also in this issue, scientometrician Prabir Dastidar presents the results of his research on sc...
Published in News And Announcements
Thursday, 08 November 2007 23:05
IPY Report: November 2007
Contents: 1. Report from the JC Meeting 2. IPO announcement 3. International Polar Days 4. Ice Sheet Day: December 13th 2007 5. AGU 6. EGU/SCAR-IASC 7. Call for 2012 Science and Policy Conference Venue From: IPY International Programme Office To: IPY Project Coordinators cc: IPY Community Google Groups 1. Report from Joint Committee Meeting The IPY Joint Committee held its 6th meeting in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, on two days in late October. For most of one afternoon we joined the Canadian National IPY Committee to learn and discuss the many facets of Canada's IPY programme. The JC focussed on IPY legacies, and pa...
Published in News And Announcements
Tuesday, 06 November 2007 22:51
Data, Data, Data
IPY is possibly the largest and most interdisciplinary science project ever conducted. Tens of thousands of investigators from dozens of countries are collecting data in diverse disciplines in physical, life, and social sciences. The data management challenge presented by IPY is huge. The current approach to the challenge is through an informal global partnership of data centers, archives, and networks working to ensure proper stewardship of IPY and related data. This partnership is called the IPY Data and Information Service (IPYDIS) and a new web site, discussion forum, and help desk has been established at to help coordinate the effort. The IPYDIS seeks to actively engage and support the IPY community, as such, advice, critique, and suppo...
Published in News And Announcements
Monday, 08 October 2007 17:37
IPY Report: October 2007
Contents: 1. Reminder: Joint Committee Assessment 2. Reminder: AGU 3. IPY Science Days 4. Young and Early Career Polar Researchers 5. Polar Ambassadors 6. Observational Legacies From: IPY International Programme Office To: IPY Project Coordinators cc: IPY Community Google Groups 1. Reminder: Joint Committee Assessment As described in our September 2007 report, we solicit input from IPY Project Coordinators and from IPY National Committees for the IPY Joint Committee meeting later this month. The Joint Committee will assess the overall IPY programme as it exists, and welcomes comment on any aspects of IPY, particularly on actions or changes that could he...
Published in News And Announcements
Thursday, 27 September 2007 20:44
New IPY stamps by the US Postal Service
Come October 1, the U.S. Postal Service will issue this pane of 20 41-cent stamps with two designs that feature photographs of the polar lights, often known as auroras. The polar lights are a luminous glow seen in the night sky at high latitudes surrounding the north and south magnetic poles. These auroras are the result of a magnetic storm - when Earth's magnetic field is unusually active due to a dynamic interaction with the sun. During magnetic storms, energetic electrons descend from space and collide with molecules in the upper atmosphere, leading to the emission of green and sometimes red light. Auroras come in different visual forms, including arcs, curtains and rays, and are a relatively common sight in Alaska, Canada and northern Europe. During particularly intens...
Published in News And Announcements
Thursday, 27 September 2007 19:43
UNEP/GRID-Arendal: Educational posters for the International Polar Year - Call for partnerships
Educational posters for the International Polar Year: First announcement, and call for partnerships UNEP/GRID-Arendal For further information, please go to: UNEP Key Polar Centre at UNEP/GRID-Arendal has received support from the Research Council of Norway (Forskningsradet) to prepare a set of posters for the International Polar Year (IPY). This project supports the education, outreach, and communication efforts of IPY. The posters will primarily present polar science and issues and secondarily create awareness of IPY and its research activities. The main objective is to try to answer the question: Why, and how, are the ...
Published in News And Announcements
Monday, 24 September 2007 21:16
New Generation of Polar Researchers (NGPR) Symposium: Application Deadline
New Generation of Polar Researchers (NGPR) Symposium, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, 4-11 May 2008 Application Deadline: Monday, 15 October 2007 For further information, please go to: Advanced students and PhD graduates conducting research in the Arctic or Antarctic during the International Polar Year are invited to apply for the New Generation of Polar Researchers (NGPR) Symposium being held on 4-11 May 2008 in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Applications must be submitted by Monday, 15 October 2007. Complete application information is available at: ...
Published in News And Announcements
Tuesday, 18 September 2007 14:19
El Cultural: Interview with Michel Beland (In Spanish)
WIN A WEEK ABOARD AN ARCTIC ICEBREAKER!! (INCLUDING TRANSPORTATION FROM YOUR HOME COUNTRY) In April 2008, join journalists from all over the world for a week aboard the Canadian research icebreaker Amundsen. The World Federation of Science Journalists—in collaboration with the Canada Foundation for Innovation and the International Polar Year Circumpolar Flaw Lead Project—announces a competition offering science journalists the chance to win one of three week-long trips aboard the Canadian research icebreaker Amundsen. You will fly all the way to Inuvik (Canada), and hop aboard a Twin Otter aircraft to the famous icebreaker, where you will get first hand experience of global warming where it is unfolding the fastest. ENTRY GUIDELINES...
Published in News And Announcements