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Launch of drift bottles
MATE ROV Competition
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1934 Wordie Arctic Expedition website
Arctic Ice Island
SOI Youth Expedition to the Arctic; Spots Still Available!
Polaris Book Launch Celebration
On Thursday, March 15th, Whitehorse's Beringia Interpretive Centre played host to a celebration of the launch of the book Polaris: A Celebration of Polar Science. This science fiction anthology causes the speculation and imagination of science fiction to explore polar science itself. Where might it take us? What might certain discoveries mean? And at what cost do we take the frozen poles for granted? The IPY Youth Steering Committee worked with editor Julie E. Czerneda to arrange for an international writing contest open to students from around the world. The winning story was published in the Polaris. The book has a strong Yukon connection. Yukoners Amber Church and Tyler Kuhn of the International IPY Youth Steering Committee wrote a special introduction to the boo...
InnovationCanada Highlights IPY
North Pole or Bust
First Men Out the Door
Calendar of Events
Fri, 07 May 2010IPY Monthly Report: May 2010
Tue, 30 Mar 2010IPY Report: April 2010
Wed, 03 Mar 2010IPY Report: March 2010
Tue, 02 Feb 2010IPY Report: February 2010
Thu, 21 Jan 2010IPY Oslo Science Conference -...
Friends of IPY
Mon, 28 Nov 2011Missatge 9: Qualsevol dia... és...
Fri, 25 Nov 2011XEFS
Fri, 25 Nov 2011Segona edició de la festa...
Fri, 25 Nov 2011Concurs "Cristal·lització a l'Escola"
Fri, 25 Nov 2011Per què envellim?