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1) Preparations and Promotions for Oslo Science Conference
Distinguished speakers, awards, films, festivals, the best and most recent polar science and polar science communication - you will enjoy all this and more at the Oslo Science Conference. Please see the web site for the latest news and information.
We anticipate strong media interest in the Oslo event. The IPY media working group will ensure excellent media services at the conference venue. To promote your activities and the conference itself, we encourage stories and press releases now, in the remaining weeks leading up to the conference. If your research team or organization plans an event, a launch of a new service, an award, or some other announcement at Oslo, please work with us now to promote that activity through our media distribution links and on We in the IPO and members of the media working group can help you craft these stories and can ensure that they get released into our science communication networks. Please contact Dave Carlson ( ) with ideas or for more information.
2) Polar Information Commons
With the Polar Information Commons (PIC,, IPY has initiated a fast and easy-to-use open data resource accessible through normal search and browse tools. The PIC mirrors the “real” commons of the Antarctic (defined in the Antarctic Treaty) and responds to the common interests of humanity by serving as an open repository for scientific data and information about the polar regions and as a community-based infrastructure that fosters innovation and stimulates participation. In the PIC vision, investigators expose their data to the world and share them, without restriction, through open search and broadcast protocols on the internet. All PIC data carry a digital badge that denotes cooperation and expectations among providers and users based on open access norms and best practices.
We intend to demonstrate, in a hands-on fashion, the PIC tools, processes, and systems at the Oslo Science Conference and to allow interested users to badge and submit their data within the PIC system. PIC will serve as the centrepiece of an information commons area at Oslo, an area that will include polar graphics materials from IPO and from the Polar Unit of UNEP’s environmental information centre at GRID-Arendal, a display of the many books from the IPY Polar Books Project, complimentary copies of the new 'Polar Science and Global Climate' book from the IPY science communication community, and remarkable polar photographs from our frequent IPY partner Christian Morel. Australia, Canada, France, the Netherlands, Norway, UK, USA - many partners contribute to the PIC processes and exhibits. Art students from the Netherlands have designed a 'Fifth Element' data sculpture - you will find the PIC displays under that rotating sculpture.
3) IPY Lessons Learned
With funding from an ICSU grant to IASC and SCAR, APECS and IPO have started a preliminary assessment of the IPY science communication activities. This initial one-year effort will not produce a systematic assessment of the IPY education and outreach impact, but it will assemble, in a timely manner, lists and inventories of the wide variety and mixture of IPY communication activities in order to extract some initial 'Lessons Learned', to identify key activities for continuation, and to develop a strategy and compile the materials for a subsequent detailed and rigorous assessment.
With this initiative, we continue to draw on the expertise and enthusiasm of the international IPY science communication committees and networks. Please contact Jenny Baeseman ( ) or Dave Carlson ( ) for additional information.
4) APECS Update
In March, APECS launched the new APECS Working Group Programme, allowing all APECS members to come up with a project idea, find colleagues with similar interests and create a working group to make this idea into something that can help shape the future of polar research. Four working groups have been formed so far: the Acronym and Definition Database Working Group, the Mentorship Programme Working Group, the Virtual Poster Session Working Group and a working group on “Climate change answers”. For more information please visit
The Polar Policy Listserv was just established to help people from various disciplines discuss issues in political science, governance, law, international relations and all fields in between. Please visit for more information.
The APECS Mentorship Programme is attracting more and more mentors. This programme provides a great opportunity for experienced researchers and polar professionals to connect with their early-career counterparts. It also enables APECS members to seek advice and career guidance from people in their field and broaden their international connections. For information on this initiative, and to sign up as a mentor, please visit
APECS has relaunched its Field Schools Network website in an effort to share field school opportunities with APECS members. It also provides a platform to share experiences, feedback and photos from previous APECS participants for those who are considering attending a field school. More information can be found on
Successful APECS Virtual Poster Session calls were held in March and April focusing on social sciences as well as education and outreach. The next call is planned for the end of May, with glaciology as a topic. For more information about the Virtual Poster Session calls, please visit The
Arctic Science Summit Week 2010 in Nuuk (Greenland) in April was attended by Jenny Baeseman and Gerlis Fugmann. The flight chaos in Europe due to the volcanic eruption in Iceland turned this meeting into a very unusual experience for all participants. The mentorship from senior polar professionals to the 4 young researchers, 3 of whom were ‘stuck’ was absolutely incredible and we are very appreciative of their efforts to include us in this very important meeting. APECS, and young polar researchers everywhere, are excited about the IPY Oslo Science Conference.
There are many young researcher activities planned during the event so please visit for updates.
Change in IPO
On 31 March 2010, Nicola Munro leaves the International Programme Office for a new position in the British Antarctic Survey as Antarctic Funding Initiative and Arctic Office Administrator.
If during IPY you received a prompt and helpful response to an inquiry or a request, if you found useful information on the IPY web site, if you used the IPY databases or extracted documents from the IPY file system, then you benefited from Nicola's work. If you used a Polar Day flyer or any of the other IPY education and graphics products, then you shared Nicola's enthusiasm and appreciated her devotion to quality. If you felt, as a project coordinator or as a member of an IPY national committee or as a teacher, that this IPO maintained a consistently friendly, generous and cooperative outlook, then you enjoyed Nicola's pervasive influence on IPY. (If the IPO has not provided the level or quality of services listed, you can blame me.)
We follow with interest and some amusement the discussions of a possible Polar Decade. Interest because of the implicit vote of confidence in some of the activities and accomplishments of this IPY and because of a sense, shared by the IPO, of much more that we can and should do. Amusement because some of us, Nicola included, have invested approximately a decade of effort into this one, albeit over only 5 years, and because we know that the success of this IPY derives substantially from time devoted, by the IPO and particularly by Nicola, to maintaining an active, engaged and enthusiastic volunteer workforce serving as organizers, coordinators and communicators. A Polar Decade on that scale will need Nicola and several of her clones.
Thank you and good luck, my dear friend and partner!
Dave C.
1) Oslo Science Conference
2) Polar Week - 15 to 19 March 2010
3) IPY Publications Database
4) IPY International Field School in Svalbard, 21 June to 9 July 2010
5) Call for proposals for International Teams in Space Science
6) APECS Update
1) Oslo Science Conference
All persons who submitted abstracts should have received a response. Next, please register and make hotel reservations as soon as possible to obtain the most favorable rates. FRESH INFORMATION AT
2) March Polar Week
Please join us for the final polar science event coordinated by this IPO! The Polar Week will occur from the 15th to 19th March 2010 and will focus on 'What Happens at the Poles Affects Us All'. We offer several classroom activities to choose from, including activities looking at the effects of pollution in the Arctic and the ways that penguins reunite within large loud colonies. If you participated in one of the previous Polar Days, please join this event again to help us show the extent and enthusiasm of the IPY networks. For more information, please visit the March Polar Week webpages:
In conjunction with polar week, there will be various public lectures taking place across the world - stay tuned to the International Public Lecture webpage at: for one happening near you and don't forget to launch your virtual balloons to show your participation!
3) IPY Publications Database
As part of the IPY Data and Information Service, the International Polar Year Publications Database (IPYPD) prepares, stores and disseminates metadata (references, abstracts and indexing terms) describing publications that have resulted from, or that are about, this International Polar Year 2007-2008 and the three previous IPYs. According to the IPY Data and Scholarly Publications Policies, all of us should report our IPY publications to the Publications Database. By reporting our publications, we ensure that those publications become widely searchable and cited in the PD, as well as, depending on the publication's subject and geographic scope, in the Bibliography on Cold Regions Science and Technology, the Antarctic Bibliography, and other relevant and accessible databases.
For more information, see: or
Following the exciting success of the 2009 IPY Field School, the University Centre in Svalbard, in partnership with APECS and with support from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the University of the Arctic, and IPY Norway, announces another International Field School opportunity for 2010. This 3-week course will focus on environmental change in the Arctic and Antarctic through lectures and field excursions in Svalbard, Norway. The course will cover topics on Glaciology, Geology, Meteorology, Oceanography, Marine/Terrestrial Biology, Permafrost, and the Human Dimension in Polar Regions. There are some travel grants available for those that need financial assistance.
For more information about the 2010 Field School, see: The deadline for applications occurs on 8 April 2010.
You can hear a presentation of the 2009 IPY Field School in session T6-3 at the Oslo IPY conference. We expect 6 or more students from the 2009 School to attend the Oslo conference.
5) Call for proposals for International Teams in Space Science
The International Space Science Institute supports groups of scientists involved in Space Research to work together in an efficient and flexible format of several subsequent meetings, during which data are analysed and compared with theories and models. This call is open to scientists of any nationality active in research in Space Sciences or Earth Sciences using space data. IPY researchers should take advantage of this opportunity to find support for further international research and collaboration. For more information, contact Dr. Maurizio Falanga, Science Program Manager, at or on +41 31 631 4893.
6) APECS Update
We are delighted to announce that APECS launched a mentorship programme in February. Since its inception, APECS has aimed to provide a continuum of knowledge in polar research and foster interactions between APECS members and experienced polar researchers and professionals. We would like to thank all of you who have already participated in an APECS event by giving guidance to early-career researchers. As an extension of the mentor panels that APECS already runs at major conferences, the mentorship program now involves the creation of an online database of mentors who are willing to share their knowledge with talented early-career researchers. For more information, and to sign up as a mentor, please visit
APECS had its first very successful Virtual Poster Session call this month with two posters being presented and discussed. Two successful mentor panels were held at the International Glaciological Conference “Ice and Climate Change: a View from the South” in Valdivia, Chile and at the 2010 Ocean Sciences Meeting in Portland, USA. More events are being planned for the International Polar Week in March.
APECS, and young polar researchers everywhere, are excited about the IPY Open Science Conference in Oslo. 400 stipends have been awarded and accepted. We have also sent out notifications to the participants of the APECS Career Development workshop which will be held prior to the conference. We are particularly grateful to the Research Council of Norway for the stipend support and funding the other APECS activities and to several groups for funding the travel of these young researchers: the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC), the European Polar Board / European Science Foundation, the Canadian IPY Federal Programme Office, the International Arctic Research Center in Alaska together with the US NSF, and several IPY National Committees who have agreed to fund their young researchers travel from India, Japan, Austria, Portugal and hopefully a few more (thanks to Nicola at the IPY IPO for making this happen!). More information on the progress of organising early-career researcher activities in conjunction with the IPY-OSC can be found at
1) Oslo Science Conference
2) Teacher's workshop in Oslo
3) Polar Week - 15 to 19 March 2010
4) APECS Update
IPY Oslo Science Conference - Abstract Deadline Extended
8-12 June 2010 | Oslo, Norway
Submit abstracts now at:
The event has already attracted in excess of 2250 abstracts and promises to be
the major international event for the polar community in 2010.
To enable inclusion of as much IPY and related polar data in the final
programme, late submissions will continue to be accepted until Monday 25
January. We would be grateful if you could pass this information to
interested colleagues, students and polar networks.
1) Oslo!
2) Changes in IPO
1) Oslo
We urge the IPY community to respond quickly and enthusiastically to the upcoming opportunities and deadlines for the IPY Oslo Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010.
Abstract deadline - 20 January 2010
For IPY Participants - We believe the list of sessions provides a home for almost any IPY research topic. We have a review process in place to ensure that every abstract gets prompt, careful and fair evaluation.
For IPY Projects - You have great science to share, but also great outreach stories to tell. Every project should highlight its outreach activities by submitting abstracts to Theme 6, in addition to submitting science abstracts.
For early career scientists - The conference has generous support options for early career scientists!
For teachers - The conference has a workshop and stipends for you!
For filmmakers - The conference has opened a Polar Cinema for polar films and television documentaries.
The best polar science in a great location - please join us!
2) Changes in IPO
We welcome Nicola Munro back to action in the IPO. Nicola will take primary responsibility for education, for the March 2010 polar week, and for concluding activities by the IPY National Committees and Projects. Melissa Deets will continue in the IPO, with primary responsibility for the web site and for the IPO Oslo preparations. We will undertake several other wrap-up activities together, including archiving our collections of IPY records and materials. We welcome your questions or suggestions.
Final Reminder: Submit a Presentation Abstract for the State of the Arctic Conference
Written by Melissa DeetsFinal Reminder: Submit a Presentation Abstract for the State of the Arctic Conference
16-19 March 2010
Miami, Florida
Extended deadline, oral presentation abstracts: Monday, 11 January 2010
Deadline, poster presentation abstracts: Monday, 1 February 2010
To submit an abstract, please go to:
Abstract deadlines for the State of the Arctic conference:
- Extended deadline, oral presentation abstracts: Monday, 11 January 2010
- Deadline, poster presentation abstracts: Monday, 1 February 2010
There is no fee for abstract submission. To submit an abstract, please
go to: Abstracts on previously published
work are acceptable.
Abstracts focused on social science and human dimensions research are
encouraged to ensure a balanced, multi-disciplinary program.
The State of the Arctic Conference will be held 16-19 March 2010 at the
Hyatt Regency Miami. The conference will be a major milestone for arctic
science by reviewing the current knowledge of the Arctic in a time of
rapid environmental change and exploring future research, resource
management, and policy directions.
Confirmed keynote speakers include:
- Jane Lubchenco, Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and
Atmosphere and NOAA Administrator
- Marianne Lykke Thomsen, Greenland Department of Foreign Affairs
and Arctic Council
- Vera Metcalf, Eskimo Walrus Commission
- Robert W. Corell, The Arctic Climate Impact Assessment, The
Climate Action Initiative
Additional plenary talks will address four main themes:
1. Advances in Understanding the Arctic System, Including Human
2. Arctic Change;
3. Linkages to the Earth System; and
4. Human Dimensions of Arctic Change.
An international panel will discuss "Intersections Between Science and
Policy in a Changing Arctic." Parallel sessions and poster sessions for
each theme will provide extensive opportunities for the community to
share and discuss research results and network with other researchers,
agency personnel, policy makers, stakeholders, and media. The fourth day
of the conference will focus on international coordination.
The latest program can be found at:
Abstracts are now being accepted for oral parallel sessions and posters.
There are 18 session topics, which have been structured to facilitate
cross-disciplinary exchange and discussion. Each session is designed to
incorporate abstracts from the social, physical, natural, and political
sciences, as well as resource management and agency perspectives.
There is no fee for abstract submission. To submit an abstract, please
go to: Abstracts on previously published
work are acceptable.
The early-bird registration deadline is Sunday, 31 January 2010. To
register for the conference, please go to:
For further information, please go to: Be sure to
check the website regularly for updates and new features.
For questions regarding abstract submission, please contact:
Judy Fahnestock, ARCUS
For questions regarding registration, please email:
For questions about the conference program, please contact:
Helen Wiggins, ARCUS
Registration and Call for Abstracts: 2010 State of the Arctic Conference
Written by Melissa DeetsAbstract submission and registration is now open for the 2010 State of the Arctic Conference!
The State of the Arctic Conference will be held 16-19 March 2010 at the Hyatt Regency Miami in Miami, Florida. The main goal of the conference is to review our understanding of the arctic system in a time of rapid environmental change. It will provide an open international forum for discussion of future research directions aimed toward a better understanding of the arctic system and its trajectory. Further information about the conference can be found at:
Calendar of Events
Fri, 07 May 2010IPY Monthly Report: May 2010
Tue, 30 Mar 2010IPY Report: April 2010
Wed, 03 Mar 2010IPY Report: March 2010
Tue, 02 Feb 2010IPY Report: February 2010
Thu, 21 Jan 2010IPY Oslo Science Conference -...
Friends of IPY
Mon, 13 Feb 2012International Polar Year 2012 photo...
Mon, 13 Feb 2012El Cau del Cargol (Vilassar...
Mon, 13 Feb 2012100 controvèrsies de la biologia
Fri, 10 Feb 2012Missatge 13: L'atmosfera al descobert
Fri, 10 Feb 2012Breakthrough