In response to journalists and educators wanting an 'angle' on the extremely broad International Polar Year, quarterly "IPY Days" are being developed that focus on a particular aspect of polar research, and highlight current research occurring as part of IPY. The first of these will be held on September 21st and will focus on Sea Ice.
Below is a list of IPY projects that study, or are concerned with, some aspect of Sea Ice.
Their webpages contain a huge amount of information.
For direct contact with researchers, please consult this list of sea ice experts.
The following list includes IPY ID and chart name, and short title
8 Antarctic Shelf-Slope Interactions SASSI
14 Ocean Observing System iAOOS
20 Air-Ice Chemical Interactions AICI-IPY
22 Ecosystems in European Seas HERMES the Nordic margin
23 Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation BIAC
26 Sea Ice & Arctic Marine Ecosystems PAN-AME
28 Climate of the Arctic CARE/ASR
38 Ocean-Atmosphere-Ice Interactions OASIS - IPY
40 Arctic Modeling & Observing DAMOCLES
48 Arctic Change ISAC
90 Coastal Observatory Network ACCO-Net
91 Polar Snapshot from Space GIIPSY
92 Climate & Ecosystem Dynamics ICED-IPY
95 Sea Ice Properties & Processes Arctic Sea Ice Properties and Processes
105 State & Fate of the Cryosphere Cryos - State of the Cryosphere
120 Northern Climate Variability NORCLIM
121 Polar Weather Forecasts THORPEX-IPY
122 West Greenland Ecosystems ECOGREEN
130 Bipolar Climate Machinery Bipolar Climate Machinery (BIPOMAC)
131 Antarctic Marine Ecosystem Studies AMES
133 Biodiversity Monitoring CBMP
134 Polar Bear Health BearHealth
141 Antarctic Sea Ice Antarctic Sea Ice
153 Marine Mammal Explorations MEOP
155 Arctic & Sub-Arctic Ecosystems ESSAR
166 Sea Ice Knowledge & Use SIKU
172 Bird Health BIRDHEALTH
251 Circumpolar Penguin Monitoring Circumpolar Population Monitoring
256 Antarctic Continental Margin Drilling ANDRILL
322 Heat & Salt through Sea Ice A multitracer approach to study heat and salt fluxes through sea ice
372 Polar View of Ice Polar View
379 Ocean Monitoring & Forecasting IPY Arctic GOOS
410 Inuit Voices Exhibit Inuit Voices
440 Polar Books
457 Ice Stories Ice Stories
Want to know more about IPY Projects? Have a look at this interactive IPY chart (2.5MB) (click on the hexagons while connected to the internet and get transported to the project page) or browse our projects pages and project database.
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Fri, 07 May 2010IPY Monthly Report: May 2010
Tue, 30 Mar 2010IPY Report: April 2010
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