Daily monitoring of Arctic sea ice area:
The diagramme shows seasonal time series of daily Arctic sea ice area from passive microwave satellite data. The data for 2008 shows more ice than the record low values in 2007, but significantly less than the monthly mean ice extent based on data from 1979. The satellite passive microwave data are provided by The National Snow and Ice Data Center (http://nsidc.org) and the ice analysis is done by Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center. The time series of Arctic sea ice area and extent are updated daily and presented on the web site of the Arctic Regional Ocean Observing System (www.arctic-roos.org).
Operational oceanography data for Arctic and sub-Arctic regions are provided by organisations such as:
Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center (NERSC) produces ice-ocean forecasting for the Arctic using the TOPAZ system in addition to satellite monitoring and climate analyses.
Norwegian Meteorological Institute provides several operational services for Norwegian and Arctic waters including the EumetSAT Ocean and Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility. Here is more info on research and development activities.
Alfred Wegener Insitute for Polar and Marine Research provides a wide range of sea ice and oceanography data in the Arctic.
Institute of Environmental Physics, University of Bremen, produces ice concentration maps from AMSR-E satellite data every day for Arctic and Antarctic areas.
Ifremer produces and distribute sea ice products from scatterometer data through the CERSAT system.
Danish Meteorological Institute delivers operational products for Greenland waters.
Danish Centre for Remote Sensing delivers several daily satellite products for the Arctic and Antarctic.
The Arctic Regional Ocean Observing System (Arctic ROOS) was formally established in December 2007 by 14 members form 9 countries. Arctic ROOS will promote and develop operational oceanography for Arctic and sub-Arctic regions as contribution to GOOS.
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Saturday, 30 December 2006 10:35
IPY Arctic GOOS: Operational Oceanography for the Arctic Ocean and adjacent seas
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