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Louise Huffman
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Sunday, 02 November 2008 23:00
IPY Photo Project
IPY IPO: Odd Rogne, Cynan Ellis-Evans, Rhian Salmon, Dave Carlson, Nicola Munro The IPY International Programme Office (IPO) is collecting IPY images with the intention of creating an ' IPY memoir collection'. Please join in if you would like your photos included — they don't need to be of professional quality or of particular content, just images that reflect your experience of IPY. We are especially looking for images of IPY participants, whether at meetings, in the office or lab, or in the field. Please choose a maximum of 15 images per contributor, and also supply metadata to put the images in context. By supplying your images, you allow them to be freely accessible on the internet for download and wider use. We propose that the ...
Published in Features
Friday, 24 October 2008 17:02
Mosaic of Antarctica: a visual Installation of Glass Maps
Mosaic of Antarctica: a visual Installation of Glass Maps By polar artist Lucinda Wilkinson Mosaic of Antarctica is a visual installation comprising of at least 30 glass maps showing detailed areas of the Antarctic ice sheets and sea ice, highlighting the changing patterns of ice in its accumulation and discharge due to environmental warming. In the production of this installation explored areas have been transcripted onto glass panels using imagery from Mosaic of Antarctica (Radarsat and Modis) and the new satellite data Landsat Image Mosaic of Antarctica (LIMA). This is the most detailed map produced yet from sc...
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Tuesday, 14 October 2008 16:47
Challenge to discover Antarctica's hidden world
Later this month teams of scientists, engineers, pilots and support staff from British Antarctic Survey (BAS), USA, Germany, Australia, China and Japan will join forces for one of the most scientifically, technically ambitious and physically demanding Antarctic projects yet to be undertaken. The mission of this International Polar Year (IPY) project is to uncover secrets of the enigmatic Gamburtsev subglacial mountains that are buried by up to 4 km of ice; to hunt for the oldest ice on our planet; to study subglacial lakes and to discover new clues of past, present and future climate change. The Gamburtsev subglacial mountains are thought to be the birthplace of the vast East Antarctic Ice Sheet. This project will reveal clues to how the mountains were formed ...
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Monday, 20 October 2008 22:42
COSEE-West Online Educator Workshop: "Weather, Sea Level Rise and Climate Change"
The Centers for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence-West (COSEE-West) would like to invite formal and informal educators to participate in an exciting online workshop, "Weather, Sea Level Rise and Climate Change," to be held this November 2008. This invitation is open to any educators who are interested in learning more about how scientists are studying climate change and its accompanying effects on our planet. The online workshop environment will include "rooms" to ask questions of keynote speakers and to hold discussions with other educators around the country and the world. COSEE-West will also post supporting teacher resources in the online environment. When: November 3 - 23, 2008 Who: Formal and informal educators Where: College of Exp...
Published in News And Announcements
Monday, 20 October 2008 21:42
Event: Living in the Northern Landscape - NYC, Oct 24
Title: Living in the Northern Landscape: Connecting Archaeology, History, and Environmental Science When: Friday, October 24, 5 pm Where: The American-Scandinavian Foundation @ Scandinavia House 58 Park Avenue (between 37th and 38th Streets) $20 ($15 for ASF members, free to students with valid ID) This symposium, presented in observance of the International Polar Year, is comprised of four lectures investigating geological and cultural relationships based on the polar region’s interactions with global ecosystems. Presentations include: The International Polar Year and the Norse World: Connecting Science, Education and Community from the Faroes to Greenland - Thomas McGovern - Prof...
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Friday, 17 October 2008 12:22
Antarctic Sea Ice Workshop on "2007 IPY Cruises": 22-24 March 2009
Under the auspices of the SCAR project Antarctic Sea Ice Processes and Climate (ASPeCt) and the Antarctic Sea Ice in IPY project for International Polar Year, we are holding a workshop on 22-24 March 2009 in Il Ciocco, Lucca, Italy. The main purpose of the workshop is to review and establish joint data analyses from two late-winter cruises to the Antarctic Sea Ice Zone both made during Sept-Oct 2007. An extensive satellite remote sensing campaign with designated IceSAT altimetry, RadarSAT images, and EnviSAT ASAR images coincided with the surface measurements. SIMBA (Sea Ice Mass Balance in the Antarctic) activities along 90W longitude in the Bellingshausen Sea are summarized here, while SIPEX (Sea Ice Physics and Ecosystem...
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Wednesday, 15 October 2008 20:57
Call for Abstracts for IPY Session at MOCA Joint Assembly, July 2009
IAMAS, IAPSO and IACS invite the international atmospheric, oceanographic and cryospheric research community to MOCA-09, their Joint Assembly, to be held 19th July to 29th July 2009 in Montréal, Québec, Canada. The call for Abstracts is now open. Please note the following session: Session: J03 International Polar Year – Early Results Convenors: Michel Béland (IAMAS), Ian Allison (IACS), Karen Heywood (IAPSO) Abstract: This symposium provides the first opportunity after the official end of the observing period of the International Polar Year 2007-2008 (1 March 2007 to 1 March 2009) to report new results from IPY projects. The session will particularly highlight interdisciplinary results ad...
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Wednesday, 15 October 2008 20:47
Press Release - Face to Face: Polar Portraits
Exhibition opens October 24, Athy Heritage Centre & Museum, County Kildare, Ireland "Face to Face: Polar Portraits" brings together both rare, unpublished treasures from the historic collections of the Scott Polar Research Institute (SPRI), University of Cambridge, ‘face to face’ with cutting-edge modern imagery from expedition photographer Martin Hartley. This stunning exhibition and publication will be shown for the first time in Ireland at the Athy Heritage Centre & Museum, Co. Kildare, in October at the official opening the ...
Published in News And Announcements
Wednesday, 15 October 2008 20:25
MANA: Monitoring Greenland's lakes
While most biologists relish field studies, computer scientists are more known to spend long hours indoors, logged on the Internet, eating pizza. What happens when computer scientists and biologists team up to deploy an advanced monitoring system in the arctic? No pizza, no Internet, and beautiful, unpredictable nature — how does a computer scientist cope in the arctic? This is the story of the MANA diary, which gathered the impressions of an outsider during a 10 days stay at Zackenberg, Greenland, last August: from the logistics problems, the encounter with a polar bear, or outdoors volleyball to the amazing sight of a three-mast. ...
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Thursday, 09 October 2008 07:15
New training strategy for climate research in the German federal state Bremen
The Alfred Wegener Institute, the University of Bremen and Jacobs University inaugurate joint post graduate programme for earth and climate sciences Bremerhaven, October 1st, 2008. The joint graduate programme Earth System Science Research School (ESSReS) will be inaugurated today in Bremerhaven. The interdisciplinary graduate programme will train 24 PhD-students of geo- and climate sciences during the next three years. Apart from the doctorate, far-reaching skills in geo-, bio- and climate sciences will be confirmed for the PhD-students. The research training group is a joint project of the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in the Helmholtz Association, the University of Bremen and Jacobs University Bremen. It is sponsored by the Helmholtz Associa...
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Calendar of Events
Fri, 07 May 2010IPY Monthly Report: May 2010
Tue, 30 Mar 2010IPY Report: April 2010
Wed, 03 Mar 2010IPY Report: March 2010
Tue, 02 Feb 2010IPY Report: February 2010
Thu, 21 Jan 2010IPY Oslo Science Conference -...
Friends of IPY
Fri, 09 Dec 2011Antarctica on Google
Wed, 07 Dec 2011Toquem fusta, venen els tèrmits
Wed, 07 Dec 2011Missatge 14: Caminant amb pastors...
Mon, 05 Dec 2011Un Nadal ple d'activitats a...
Mon, 05 Dec 2011Missatge 13: El Gujarat des...