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Tuesday, 17 February 2009 18:08
Polar Oceans Day: March 2009
Throughout the week of March 17th - 26th, the International Polar Year (IPY) 2007-8 will be celebrating its eighth polar day, this time focussing on 'Polar Oceans'. This includes physical oceanography and marine biodiversity. These Days are designed as a way for the general public, teachers, and their classes to learn more about the Polar Regions and connect directly to polar researchers through simple, fun, and accessible activities. We also encourage students to launch a virtual weather balloon once completing the activity: it's great fun watching balloons go up as classrooms around the world get involved. The new “Polar Oceans” pages can be found via the Educators section of, or directly at ...
Published in News And Announcements
Monday, 16 February 2009 20:10
Documents for EOC Meeting, Geneva, February 2009
Below are documents that we will be discussing and developing at the IPY/Oslo 2010 meeting for Education, Outreach, and Communication in Geneva, February 23-24th 2009.
The meeting will occur at WMO headquarters. Directions to meeting building.
Please become familiar with these documents prior to the meeting. Hard copies will not be made available,- it is your choice to bring them either as hard copies or electronically.
Logistics & Committee Business
Agenda & Participant List
EOC Committee Mandate
Oslo 2010 Conference
Overarching principles for EOC activities during OSC 2010 K Ulstein
Categorising EOC activities during OSC 2010 K Ulstein, R Malherbe, S Zicus
APECS Participation in Oslo 2010 J Baeseman
Catalogue of EOC Session proposals K Ulstein
Virtual Component L Murphy
Polar Resource Book
Vision Document - discussion paper R Salmon, B Kaiser
All content collected so far
Poles Apart flyer
The meeting will occur at WMO headquarters. Directions to meeting building.
Please become familiar with these documents prior to the meeting. Hard copies will not be made available,- it is your choice to bring them either as hard copies or electronically.
Logistics & Committee Business
Agenda & Participant List
EOC Committee Mandate
Oslo 2010 Conference
Overarching principles for EOC activities during OSC 2010 K Ulstein
Categorising EOC activities during OSC 2010 K Ulstein, R Malherbe, S Zicus
APECS Participation in Oslo 2010 J Baeseman
Catalogue of EOC Session proposals K Ulstein
Virtual Component L Murphy
Polar Resource Book
Vision Document - discussion paper R Salmon, B Kaiser
All content collected so far
Poles Apart flyer
Published in links and resources
Friday, 13 February 2009 08:01
Summer-winter transitions in Antarctic aquatic ecosystems
An IPY initiative extending field event helicopter support from February into April allowed scientists to find out what happens to aquatic ecosystems during the summer-winter transition. Small pond immediately after freezing. The thick carpet of microbial mat is very clear through the ice Antarctica is a continent with plenty of “water” but precious little in the liquid state that most life requires. Where liquid water does exist, microbial ecosystems develop that are oases of biological diversity in otherwise barren landscapes. One of the commonest type of liquid water habitat are small ponds that fr...
Published in News And Announcements
Monday, 16 February 2009 02:00
Hundreds of Identical Species Thrive in Both Arctic and Antarctic Oceans
Polar Bears and Penguins May Live at Opposite Poles, But Census of Marine Life Explorers Find Hundreds of Identical Species Thrive in Both Arctic and Antarctic Contacts: Mr. Terry Collins, +1-416-878-8712; +1-416-538-8712;
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Ms. Darlene Trew Crist, +1-401-295-1356; +1-401-952-7692;
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Mr. Gregg Schmidt, +1-202- 448-1231;
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Experts are available for advance interviews. Video and high-resolution images are online at Download PDF of CoML IPY Press Release for i...
Published in News And Announcements
Tuesday, 10 February 2009 19:38
IPY Report: February 2009
Content: 1. IPY feature projects throughout February 2. Issue of the State of Polar Research Report, Feb 25th 3. Update from HAIS meeting 4. Archiving IPY: a process for storing your critical files for the future 5. Polar Oceans Day : a chance to engage the public 6. IPY Success? Report no. 22, February 2009 From: IPY International Programme Office To: IPY Project Coordinators cc: IPY Community Google Groups 1. IPY feature projects throughout February Many thanks to all projects and participants who have been busy preparing concise summary and media material for our February profile. In the lead-up to the release of the State of Polar Research report on February...
Published in News And Announcements
Monday, 09 February 2009 05:03
Evolution and Biodiversity in the Antarctic: EBA
EBA is a complex interdisciplinary project involving over 40 research groups from approximately 22 nations, as well as links to the Arctic research community. Its work crosses traditional disciplinary divides within biology, in particular working across the marine and terrestrial realms. EBA has multiple aims reflected in its structure of 5 work packages. At a broad scale, these packages are aimed at understanding how the various ecosystems of Antarctica are structured and function, what historical processes have shaped them to be as they are now, what evolutionary processes have taken place in the Antarctic environment and, in turn, what that tells us about the environment itself. Finally, in the context of parts of Antarctica currently facing the fastest rates of environmental change on ...
Published in News And Announcements
Friday, 06 February 2009 18:44
Published in News And Announcements
Friday, 06 February 2009 16:00
Antarctic expedition prepared researchers for Mars project
Video release: Simultaneous Solstice, covering the summer solstice tag-up between the Phoenix Mars Mission and South Pole teams, as well as images from the Mars lander. Press release: Antarctic expedition prepared researchers for Mars project About half a year before the robotic arm on NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander began digging into soil and subsurface ice of an arctic plain of Mars, six scientists traveled to one of the coldest, driest places on Earth for soil-and-ice studies that would end up aiding analysis of the Mars data. ...
Published in News And Announcements
Tuesday, 03 February 2009 22:42
Deep Ocean Circulation Activity
Back to Polar Oceans Page Back to Polar Oceans Educational Activities Page This activity can also be downloaded as a Word document Robert Simmon, NASA. Minor modifications by Robert A. Rohde (Public Domain) Background: Circulation ...
Published in links and resources
Tuesday, 03 February 2009 19:17
Ocean Surface Currents Activity
Back to Polar Oceans Page Back to Polar Oceans Educational Activities Page This activity can also be downloaded as a Word document. Image from ...
Published in links and resources
Calendar of Events
Fri, 07 May 2010IPY Monthly Report: May 2010
Tue, 30 Mar 2010IPY Report: April 2010
Wed, 03 Mar 2010IPY Report: March 2010
Tue, 02 Feb 2010IPY Report: February 2010
Thu, 21 Jan 2010IPY Oslo Science Conference -...
Friends of IPY
Fri, 02 Dec 2011Antarctica: De Belgen zijn er...
Fri, 02 Dec 2011Importància quiropterològica del delta del...
Fri, 02 Dec 2011Jornada «El 2012, de què...
Fri, 02 Dec 2011Missatge 12: Com era el...
Fri, 02 Dec 2011From the South Pole to...