In an effort to spread IPY's word and make children aware of the importance of the poles for the Earth Systems, teachers in the South of Brazil have been doing a great job in the classrooms.
Brazil is a tropical country, very far away from the poles. Very little is taught to Brazilian students about the polar regions.
But thanks to a group of very dedicated teachers who want to change that reality, students in Erval Grande and Pinhalzinho, both in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, have joined students from all over the world during the polar weeks, and have been doing wonderful school projects on polar topics.
Under the coordination of Mrs. Otilia M. Schneider Costa (Arts teacher), and with the help of MSc Erli S. Costa, founder of APECS Brazil, the children have been learning a lot about polar life and about the important role everyone plays in the preservation of the polar ice and of life on Earth.
Teachers Otilia M. S. Costa, Enaura Maria da Cunha Pereguda (Integrated Studies), Adoraci T. M. Poleto (Geography), Odete Santin Carminatti (Portuguese/Language Arts), Adriana Natalina Faé (Geography), Josiane Vial (Geography), have been giving great examples of how to work with interdisciplinarity in Education, and how to make students conscious of their role in society.
Here are some pictures of the wonderful things they have been doing in the South of Brazil. We hope they serve as inspiration for many other educators and students around the globe!