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Friday, 27 March 2009 05:27
Polar Oceans Week reaches around the globe!
The 8th Polar Day (topic: Polar Oceans) elicited so much interest that it turned into a full week of events that took place across the globe from some likely places such as Edinburgh, Winnipeg and Nuuk to some not so likely places like Brazil & Malaysia. Take a peek at some of the exciting highlights from classrooms, radio stations, field schools and public outreach sessions around the world. Edinburgh, UK: March 14th - 15th The Dynamic Earth science center hosted a hands-on public session with researchers from the Scottish Association for Marine Science who displayed Arctic research footage from recent expeditions. The most popular part of the event was when people got a chance to don the equipment worn by polar scientists. We may have just h...
Published in IPY Blogs
Wednesday, 18 March 2009 18:49
Ocean Acidification
ICED IPY investigates the effects of the increase of CO2 on marine ecosystems
Published in ICED IPY
Wednesday, 18 March 2009 18:36
EUR-OCEANS and the International Polar Year
European marine scientists describe their involvement in the International Polar Year
Published in ICED IPY
Tuesday, 24 February 2009 20:45
International Team Confirms an Alps-like Mountain Range Exists under the East Antarctic Ice Sheet
A Capstone of NSF-supported International Polar Year Deployments, AGAP Project May Help Determine What Caused Ice Sheet to Form Flying twin-engine light aircraft the equivalent of several trips around the globe and establishing a network of seismic instruments across an area the size of Texas, a US-led international team of scientists has not only verified the existence of a mountain range that is suspected to have caused the massive East Antarctic Ice Sheet to form, but also has created a detailed picture of the rugged landscape buried under more than four kilometers (2.5 miles) of ice. ...
Published in News And Announcements
Friday, 20 February 2009 12:05
ANDRILL Education and Outreach Efforts Help to Bring Science to the Public
February 20, 2009 The multinational ANDRILL (ANtarctic geological DRILLing) program, involving scientists, engineers, students, and educators from Germany, Italy, New Zealand, and the United States, has contributed exciting scientific results during the International Polar Year (IPY). In addition to the science outcomes there has been a focused effort to expand education and public outreach activities. These activities have engaged teachers, students and the general public. ANDRILL successfully implemented two scientific drilling expeditions during the IPY, one in the austral spring and summer of 2006 and one in the austral summer of 2007. These expeditions recovered long sediment and rock cores that preserve the geologic and paleoclimatic record of Antarctica from the ...
Published in News And Announcements
Thursday, 19 February 2009 12:07
Arctic sea ice will probably not recover
As predicted by all IPCC models, Arctic sea ice will most likely disappear during summers in the near future. However, it seems like this is going to happen much sooner than models predicted, as pointed out by recent observations and data reanalysis undertaken during IPY and the Damocles Integrated Project. On February 25, 2009, there will be a celebration in Geneva, Switzerland to officially close the 4th IPY that started on March 1st 2007 in Paris, France. It is not a surprise that one of the main topics of this 4th IPY was climate change, since the polar regions play a very important role in Earth's climate. This role is magnified by the combined effect of two main processes: one is due to the presence of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere trapping longwave solar radiat...
Published in News And Announcements
Wednesday, 18 February 2009 08:02
ICECAP Completes First Field Season
February 18 — Scientists have become increasingly concerned about the potential impacts of climate change on the East Antarctic Ice Sheet, the largest remaining body of ice on Earth. They warn that ice filled basins within the ice sheet could melt in a warmer world and release large volumes of water into the sea, raising global sea levels. The ICECAP team has successfully completed the first of three field seasons in East Antarctica using an upgraded World War II-era DC-3. Photo: Jack Holt. See more photos. Researchers with the ICECAP (I...
Published in News And Announcements
Wednesday, 18 February 2009 08:50
Circumpolar Flaw Lead System Study Celebrates with IPY in Geneva
Winnipeg, Canada — 18 February 2009 — The University of Manitoba-led project that gained worldwide appeal and interest will be one of the highlights of a conference in Europe Feb. 25, 2009 as International Polar Year (IPY) wraps. An IPY committee will release its State of Polar Research report at that time to summarize all the IPY studies, one of the largest of which was led by a climate change expert at the University of Manitoba. “Our data is coming in and our team is looking forward to the next phase of our research,” says Barber, David Barber, Canada Research Chair in Arctic System Science and director of the Centre for Earth Observation Science (CEOS) at the University of Manitoba. “IPY gave us this tremendous window into climate change. What we learned about...
Published in News And Announcements
Monday, 16 February 2009 20:10
Documents for EOC Meeting, Geneva, February 2009
Below are documents that we will be discussing and developing at the IPY/Oslo 2010 meeting for Education, Outreach, and Communication in Geneva, February 23-24th 2009.
The meeting will occur at WMO headquarters. Directions to meeting building.
Please become familiar with these documents prior to the meeting. Hard copies will not be made available,- it is your choice to bring them either as hard copies or electronically.
Logistics & Committee Business
Agenda & Participant List
EOC Committee Mandate
Oslo 2010 Conference
Overarching principles for EOC activities during OSC 2010 K Ulstein
Categorising EOC activities during OSC 2010 K Ulstein, R Malherbe, S Zicus
APECS Participation in Oslo 2010 J Baeseman
Catalogue of EOC Session proposals K Ulstein
Virtual Component L Murphy
Polar Resource Book
Vision Document - discussion paper R Salmon, B Kaiser
All content collected so far
Poles Apart flyer
The meeting will occur at WMO headquarters. Directions to meeting building.
Please become familiar with these documents prior to the meeting. Hard copies will not be made available,- it is your choice to bring them either as hard copies or electronically.
Logistics & Committee Business
Agenda & Participant List
EOC Committee Mandate
Oslo 2010 Conference
Overarching principles for EOC activities during OSC 2010 K Ulstein
Categorising EOC activities during OSC 2010 K Ulstein, R Malherbe, S Zicus
APECS Participation in Oslo 2010 J Baeseman
Catalogue of EOC Session proposals K Ulstein
Virtual Component L Murphy
Polar Resource Book
Vision Document - discussion paper R Salmon, B Kaiser
All content collected so far
Poles Apart flyer
Published in links and resources
Monday, 16 February 2009 19:46
UK Polar Network: Atmospheric Sciences Workshop April 29 - May 1, 2009
The UK Polar Network is proud to present the Atmospheric Sciences Workshop, to be held at the British Antarctic Survey from April 29 to May 1, 2009. This workshop is aimed at early career polar researchers with an interest in atmospheric chemistry or climate modelling. Up-to-date information can be found here. Full registration is now open. Deadline is February 28. Application form is here. Places are limited, so you are advised to sign up quickly. Registration is free, and you will only be asked for a small contribution (£20) towards hospitality. ...
Published in News And Announcements