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EcoKids is Earth Day Canada’s program for kids who care about the planet. Our website has tons of fun and educational games and activities on a range of environmental topics. Our 2007 theme is ‘Exploring Canada’s North’. We have created a new informational section for this theme along with the following online features: Northern Seasons – A glimpse of the landscape through the four seasons in Canada’s north. Mush Rush – A game that puts you in the driver’s seat of a dogsled team. Canada’s North Quizzes – Three challenging quizzes about the environment, wildlife and people in the north. Eco-Field Guide Northern Organisms – Information about 24 different species of fl...
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Meet the SALE members. Mahlon C. Kennicutt II Project Lead for Subglacial Antarctic Lake Environments (SALE): A Unifying Phenomenon in Antarctic Earth Science SALE Main Web Site SALE UNITED IPY Project page ...
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Several traverses across Antarctica are occurring this season, studying the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. They all have very informative and helpful web pages, as well as daily or weekly updates about their progress. Previous Expeditions: More information on previous International Antarctic Traverses can be found on the following pages: Summary of International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expeditions (ITASE) Previous scientific traverses across East Antarctica almost fifty years ago Current Expeditions: ...
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EcoKids is Earth Day Canada’s program for kids who care about the planet. Our website has tons of fun and educational games and activities on a range of environmental topics. Our 2007 theme is ‘Exploring Canada’s North’. We have created a new informational section for this theme along with the following online features: Northern Seasons – A glimpse of the landscape through the four seasons in Canada’s north. Mush Rush – A game that puts you in the driver’s seat of a dogsled team. Canada’s North Quizzes – Three challenging quizzes about the environment, wildlife and people in the north. Eco-Field Guide Northern Organisms – Information about 24 different species of fl...
Friday, 12 October 2007 20:47
Ice Sheets: Activities and Events for Educators
Written by Rhian Salmon
Learn about Ice Sheets by doing an experiment, following an expedition, contacting a scientist, or designing your own community event. Launch a virtual balloon to show your involvement, and watch as people around the world join in! Take part in the live web conferencing connection with the Antarctic. Quick Ways that Teachers and Students can learn more about Ice Sheets, and get involved during the week of December 13th! 1. Learn About Ice Sheets and IPY: by reading this ...
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Ice Sheet Press Release More About Ice Sheets Please use the listed press contacts, lead scientist, or profiled expert in the following pages to learn more about IPY Projects Studying Ice Sheets ...
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Wednesday, 10 October 2007 14:42
Research network for northern scholars - social sciences, humanities
Written by Louise Huffman
A new listserv is being created to facilitate the exchange of information among graduate students conducting research on the circumpolar North in the social sciences and humanities. Those with interests in environmental history are particularly encouraged to participate. The listserv will provide the means for building professional relationships, communicating funding and conference news, sharing resources, and facilitating dialogue on the unique challenges of northern research among young scholars. Participation by researchers in all fields of the humanities and social sciences is welcome. If you are interested, please contact the coordinator Brad Martin. Brad Martin PhD Candidate Department...
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The first International Polar Science Day was held on September 21st and focussed on Sea Ice. The second will occur on Thursday, December 13th, and will focus on Ice Sheets, Traverses, and Exploration. Below is a list of IPY projects that study, or are concerned with, some aspect of Ice Sheets. Their webpages contain a huge amount of information, and the full proposals contain contact information at the end. The following list includes IPY ID and chart name, and short title: 13 Sea Level & Tides in Polar Regions 20 ...
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The IPY International Programme Office (IPO) has recently received some sponsorship to seed a meeting of the IPY International Youth Steering Committee (IYSC), including the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS). This meeting will occur in Stockholm at the end of September. Below is background material for this meeting. Meeting Details (252 KB DOC) includes participants, overview, agenda, and logistics Planning Information and Summary (128 KB PDF) APEC...