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Students on Ice
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Wednesday, 11 February 2009 15:34
Students on Ice off to Antarctica
Geoff Green, Executive Director of Students on Ice Expeditions writes: We leave tomorrow on our next SOI Antarctic Expedition! This expedition is special for many reasons! It is our first University credit course program. We have 71 students participating from 12 countries. Lots of interesting people, including two young Inuit youth from Canada's northernmost community Grise Fiord. They will be participating in an IPY project during our expedition to compare and contrast the Polar Regions and the impacts of climate change. Thanks to the support of Canada's IPY Federal Program, we are making a one-hour documentary about their journey and their connection to the late Dr. Fritz Koerner. We also have students and staff from across Canada, ...
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Wednesday, 11 June 2008 14:50
Students on Ice 2008 IPY Arctic Youth Expedition accepting applications
Students on Ice is currently accepting applications for the 2008 International Polar Year Arctic Youth Expedition, taking place August 2nd-17th, 2008. The ship-based program joins students aged 14 to 19 from around the world with a team of 30 world-renowned scientists, environmentalists and polar educators. The experience serves as a powerful platform to create change, inspire, educate, give cause for hope, and raise awareness about the impacts of climate change and other environmental issues facing the Arctic region. Applications are being accepted until all spots are filled. ...
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Saturday, 16 February 2008 01:05
Students on Ice at the AMNH IPY weekend in New York
This Spring National Geographic Explorer Will Steger and a team of young adventurers will bring their High Arctic dogsled expedition to educators and learners through multimedia dispatches on Follow Will and his teammates, all in their early twenties, as they retrace historical expedition routes on Ellesmere Island, encounter endangered wildlife, photograph disintegrating ice sheets that are collapsing into the ocean, mush across frozen sea ice, and visit an area on the frontlines of climate change. Endorsed by the National Education Association, this Adventure Learning project includes standards-linked multidisciplinary lesson plans that explore how climate shape...
Published in News And Announcements
Saturday, 09 June 2007 21:03
SOI Youth Expedition to the Arctic; Spots Still Available!
This August, Students on Ice (SOI), an award-winning educational organization, will be leading a momentous youth expedition to the Arctic. With 75 international students, between the ages of 14-18, this journey will create an incredible forum for learning, discovery and discussion. Traveling through the Canadian Arctic aboard a polar icebreaker, students on this endorsed International Polar Year Youth expedition will have the opportunity to learn under leading polar scientists and experience the Arctic through their own eyes. With hands-on activities and a focus on Earth Science, Flora, Fauna and Climate Change, this expedition will give a fresh, polar perspective on our planet. Though the departure date is rapidly approaching, a few spots are still availabl...
Published in News And Announcements
Wednesday, 14 February 2007 21:40
A Battle with Nature
Hello! Word about the IPY site is starting to get around! We just received an extremely well-written and passionate note from one of our past participants. A Battle with Nature by Sharon Querido - SOI Antarctic past participant In late August 2005, a horrible tragedy struck the nation: Hurricane Katrina flooded New Orleans, Louisiana. As the police lost control, anarchy in its worst form began to rise within the area. Though many people believe lawlessness can only lead to chaos, I have experienced anarchy as a utopia. Antarctica, exempt from governmental control by any country through the Antarctic Treaty of 1961, has become a peaceful, international territory. In December of 2005, I was invited to attend an education...
Saturday, 10 February 2007 01:53
Welcome to the SOI-IPY weblog
Hello! And a happy polar greeting to you all from the gang here at Students on Ice! Thank you to IPY HQ for providing this opportunity for international youth to share their thoughts about the earth's polar regions and about the upcoming International Polar Year! This is a great site, with many amazing blogs! Here at SOI, we have just wrapped up another exciting Antarctic expedition - you can view highlights from the trip on our SOI website. We have invited our SOI alumni to visit this site, to explore the other blogs, and post their impressions, hopes and memories of Antarctica here. Many of our alumni are busy with environmental issues - some polar, some otherwise - and we are encouragin...
Calendar of Events
Fri, 07 May 2010IPY Monthly Report: May 2010
Tue, 30 Mar 2010IPY Report: April 2010
Wed, 03 Mar 2010IPY Report: March 2010
Tue, 02 Feb 2010IPY Report: February 2010
Thu, 21 Jan 2010IPY Oslo Science Conference -...
Friends of IPY
Tue, 13 Dec 2011Et de 2, et de...
Mon, 12 Dec 2011Cape Evans
Mon, 12 Dec 2011Missatge 15: A la recerca...
Fri, 09 Dec 2011Antarctica on Google
Wed, 07 Dec 2011Toquem fusta, venen els tèrmits