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Saturday, 30 December 2006 09:49
ASTAPA: Arctic Shelf Tracking and Physics Array
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Saturday, 30 December 2006 07:23
RASHER: Response of Arctic and Subarctic soils in a changing Earth
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Saturday, 30 December 2006 06:20
AICEMI: Arctic Indigenous Community Monitoring and Information Network
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Saturday, 30 December 2006 06:17
The Political Economy of Northern Development
The Overarching problems to be adressed by the project relates to the impact of globalization, privatization and liberalization. The Arctic regions still in most cases are characterized by economic dependence on centres in the South, which dominate trade patterns and capital movements. Hence, the main research question is related to both positive and negative impacts of the global economy
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Saturday, 30 December 2006 06:16
Retrospective and Prospective Vegetation Change in the Polar Regions: Back to the Future
The polar environments are rapidly changing and leaving a lasting impact on the freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems within them. However the region is so vast and diverse that the knowledge of what drives these changes is limited. This project will assess how terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems and environments have changed in the past and record their current status and biodiversity. IPY provides a timely opportunity for passing on knowledge to new generations of researchers and forming a new and authoritative baseline of environmental characteristics with which to examine future changes. Among the sites to be studied are some first examined during the ICSU-sponsored International Biological Programme, which will allow some assessment of changes over recent decades.
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Saturday, 30 December 2006 06:14
Global Change - Social Challenges
The present project integrates natural and socioeconomic sciences in describing past, natural variability of multi-year-ice (Storis) and its impact on present and future activities in the coastal communities in South and East Greenland. Both regions, but the south Greenland region in particular, is characterized by a complex composition of activities.
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Saturday, 30 December 2006 06:11
Arctic Freshwater Biodiversity Monitoring and Research Network
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Saturday, 30 December 2006 06:10
ITEX: International Tundra Experiment - impacts of experimental warming and climate variability
The International Tundra Experiment is a network of researchers examining the impacts of climate change on tundra vegetation throughout the Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine regions of the world. The goals of the networks are to document, understand and forecast changes in the tundra biome. Most members of the network do research at sites established in the early 1990s using standardized measurement protocols and a common warming experiment. The power of the network allows researchers to pool their data and make statements about the fate of the tundra biome as a whole. The four main areas of activity as part of the International Polar Year are: 1 vegetation change; 2 changes in the timing of key biological events (phenology); 3 changes in nutrient cycling; and 4 changes in carbon balance. Each of these areas is described below with a photograph and caption.
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Saturday, 30 December 2006 06:00
NORLAKES 4 Future: circumpolar freshwater lake research and data management
The network for present and future circumpolar freshwater lake research and data management (NORLAKES 4 Future) is a multidisciplinary and –national network under the International Polar Year initiative that seek to connect activities and data of complementary research groups that are or will perform limnological research in the Arctic.
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Saturday, 30 December 2006 05:57
Arctic Change: An Interdisciplinary Dialog Between the Academy, Northern Peoples, and Policy Makers
Our IPY activities are designed to further an interdisciplinary and cross-institutional discussion about climate change, Arctic peoples, and international policy through: a series of lectures and workshops; a museum exhibition and related publications; and, the organization of the 2007 Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW).
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Fri, 07 May 2010IPY Monthly Report: May 2010
Tue, 30 Mar 2010IPY Report: April 2010
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