Links and resources related to research Above the Polar Regions:
Polar Atmosphere
This excellent booklet about Polar Meteorology, produced by the World Meteorological Organization, WMO, gives a very throrough introduction not only into Polar Weather, but also the role of the polar regions in the global climate system.
Weather Observing:
UK Met office timeline and facts about weather balloons
UK Met office list of current weather observations from sites around the world
Met office teachers guide to cloud observing
NASA's History of Winter Programme
View Into Space
The International Year of Astronomy 2009 is a global effort initiated by the International Astronomical Union and UNESCO to help the citizens of the world rediscover their place in the Universe through the day- and night-time sky, and thereby engage a personal sense of wonder and discovery.
Norwegian Space Centre including multimedia, images, and a learning area for educators.
British Astronomical Association Aurora Section - includes information on observing the aurora, training and recruitment of observers and collection, analysis and reporting of aurora events.
Space Weather: Find out more About the Solar Wind and Auroras
View From Space
The following resources can be found from the European Space Agency (ESA) website:
The Living Planet (English/French): Living Planet is the ESA Earth Observation Programme. In the coming years, a new generation of small satellites with cheap and focussed missions are ready to be launched. These Earth Explorers will advance our understanding of how the Earth system works.
Eduspace: The European Earth Observation website for Secondary schools. The website aims to give to the youth of Europe a portal to space applications and in particular to a wide-spread visibility of Earth Observation as co-ordinated by the European Space Agency (ESA) and its European and National Partners.
Teacher Education - Observing the Earth - this includes the ESA School Atlas
Landsat Image Mosaic of Antarctica (LIMA)
Visit this amazing Antarctic image mosaic and accessing the data at the LIMA websites: lima.usgs.gov and lima.nasa.gov. You can also explore LIMA with NASA Quest, free web-based, interactive explorations designed to engage students in authentic scientific and engineering processes.
Polar View brings together multiple satellite observations and a network of expert providers to deliver a range of polar monitoring services. Via an international consortium, funded by the European Space Agency, Polar View is delivering accurate, near real time information about sea ice conditions in the Arctic and Antarctic. Additionally it provides snow and glacier information, plus data about river and lake ice break up for hydrology and flood risk mitigation.
Reach Out and Touch Space!
Here is a hands-on exhibit that will take your visitors through the depths of the Solar System. The Touch Space Exhibit is an exciting experience for anyone who is interested in learning more about our solar system, regardless of his or her age or experience in science. The Touch Space Exhibit uses the Internet to bring ongoing space exploration to a touch screen interface allowing visitors to access up-to-date information on current space missions with a single touch.
The Touch Space interface allows visitors to this exhibit to instantly access information and stream live updated web content for the following topics and more — Current Mars missions, The Hubble & Chandra missions, Comets, Saturn, See the Sun Live.
This exhibit has been created to ignite your visitors' desire for discovery, sparking their imagination and inspiring new generations of explorers to dream of the possibilities that lie ahead for our space exploration program. For more information on bringing this educational exhibit to your visitors, please visit the site.