Polar Atmosphere Activities:
Weather Observation Activity: Observe the weather today, where you live, and record air temperature, rain, wind, visibility and cloudiness.
- read more about launching a weather balloon in Antarctica
- read more about cloud types and observations (thanks to GLOBE)
- download Weather Observation Activity in many languages here
Understanding changes in Ice: A GLOBE Seasons and Biomes Activity developed by Dr Leslie Gordon.
View into Space Activities:
Auroras: Aurora Observing Guide and Classroom Activity (thanks to Lars Poort)
Neutrinos in Antarctica and the AMANDA Project (This link will take you to the IceCube activity webpage)
View from Space Activities:
The IPY Landsat Image Mosaic of Antarctica (LIMA) project has been completed and its stunning result is freely available. Explore LIMA with NASA Quest, free Web-based, interactive explorations designed to engage students in authentic scientific and engineering processes.
Classroom activities can be found on lima.usgs.gov in the Antarctic mysteries link, then under the subsections of “Is the Ice Moving”.
IPY in Google Earth: To facilitate awareness and understanding between scientists, politicians, educators, the media and the public, we have created an International Polar Year layer for Google Earth. The aim for this layer is that it will evolve to reflect the latest science results contributed by IPY scientists.
European Space Agency (ESA) Teachers - includes a full list of ESA Educational materials including astronomy exercises and weather classroom tools.
"Visualizing Data": Exploring Mosaic of Antarctica satellite data