Previous International Polar Days have focussed on Sea Ice, Ice Sheets, our Changing Earth, Land and Life, People and Above The Polar Regions. The Polar Day in March has the theme "Polar Oceans".
The following lists IPY projects that consider the Polar Oceans. Their webpages contain a huge amount of information, and the full proposals contain contact information at the end.
IPY ID, chart name, and short title:
8 Antarctic Shelf-Slope Interactions
13 Sea Level and Tides in Polar Regions
14 Ocean Observing System
22 Ecosystems in European Seas
23 Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation
26 Sea Ice and Arctic Marine Ecosystems
34 Marine and Terrestrial Biodiversity
35 Ocean Biogeochemical Cycles
40 Arctic Modelling and Observing
48 Arctic Chang
53 Census of Antarctic Marine Life
66 Deep-Sea Biodiversity
70 Ocean Between Africa and Antarctica
71 Polar Microbial Ecology
83 Antarctic Marine Biodiversity SCAR-marBIN
92 Climate and Ecosystem Dynamics
93 Indigenous Fish
122 West Greenland Ecosystems
130 Bipolar Climate Machinery
131 Antarctic Marine Ecosystems
132 Climate of Antarctica and Southern Ocean
134 Polar Bear Health
137 Evolution and Biodiversity In Antarctica
142 Polar Bioactive Compounds
153 Marine Mammal Explorations
155 Arctic and Sub-Arctic Ecosystems
164 Inuit, Narwhals and Tusks
251 Circumpolar Penguin Monitoring
304 Drake Passage Ecosystems
305 Future Arctic Observing Systems
318 Marine Fishes of NE Greenland
333 Marine Biodiversity
379 Ocean Monitoring and Forecasting
430 Pan-Arctic Tracking of Belugas
Want to know more about IPY Projects? Have a look at this interactive IPY chart (2.5MB) (click on the hexagons while connected to the internet and get transported to the project page) or browse our projects pages and project database.