86.05767 deg S, 55.06667 deg E,
3251 meters above sea level
Maximum & Minimum temperatures: - 25 to - 36 °C
It was with mixed feelings that we finished the last science stop. On one hand, it was good to know that a very successful field program was completed. On the other hand, it was a bit sad to know that the field season comes to an end soon. After lunch we packed up. A lot of reorganization was needed since only three vehicles are operative now. After dinner we started out on our non-stop driving to the South Pole. All vehicles performed well and the spirits were once again high – “only” 600 km to go…
- Jan-Gunnar
Photo: Last night when all four vehicles were operative (Photo: Jan-Gunnar Winther)
This contribution is from the log of the Norwegian-US Scientific Traverse team, who are en route from Troll Station to South Pole Station. Much more information can be found at http://traverse.npolar.no.