Celebrate the International Polar Week and join us for a real-time live event with PolarTREC teacher, Cristina Galvan and the University of Wyoming scientists led by Dr. Merav Ben-David. The team is currently studying polar bear response to sea ice loss in the Arctic Ocean.
This event is free, open to the public, and hosted by ARCUS through the PolarTREC program. Participants will have a chance to ask questions and chat with others during the presentation.
Event Date: 8 October 2009
Event Time: 7:30 am Alaska Daylight Time (5:30 am HST, 8:30 am PDT, 9:30 am MDT, 10:30 am CDT, 11:30 am EDT)
Registration: To register for the event and to receive instructions on how to join, go to: http://www.polartrec.com/live-from-ipy/overview
For more information about the science expedition, please Ms. Galvan's journals at:
Questions? Contact us at:
Arctic Research Consortium of the United States (ARCUS)
3535 College Road, Suite #101
Fairbanks, AK U.S.A. 99709-3710
Phone: 907-474-1600
Fax: 907-474-1604
Websites: http://www.arcus.org; http://www.polartrec.com