Leaders of an Arctic System Reanalysis activity, part of the IPY Climate of the Arctic Project, have presented their plans and issued an invitation to the IPY community for evaluation and participation.
In an article published recently in EOS (Volume 91, Number 2, 12 January 2010), David Bromwich and co-authors described plans for an Arctic System Reanalysis. This activity, part of the IPY Climate of the Arctic Project, and a component of the USA SEARCH (Study of Environmental Arctic Change) program, represents an ambitious plan to draw in many IPY partners and many of the IPY observations from the Arctic. Bromwich et al. describe a low-resolution (30 km) prototype, with an inner domain shown in the image above, focused on 2007 and 2008. Eventually they intend to complete a decade-long reanalysis (2000 to 2010) at 10 km spacing and 3 hour resolution. Please visit the Arctic System Reanalysis web page.