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Wednesday, 20 December 2006 01:59
LASHIPA: Large-scale historical industrial exploitation of polar areas
The voyages of discovery in the second half of the 16th century and later, during the so called Heroic Century of Polar Exploration (1870-1920), including the first International Polar Year (1882-1883), made it possible for the western colonial powers to penetrate into the polar areas. The voyages of discovery not only led to scientific research but also the exploitation of natural resources. Until now, the history of polar science and exploitation of polar areas were almost exclusively studied from a regional and national approach based on written sources from the archives in the countries in the core region. The aim of this project is to study the various (hunting, whaling, mining and research) settlements/stations in their natural settings from a bipolar, international and comparative perspective. The project will give an overview of the development of science and natural resource exploitation and its impact on the natural environment and the indigenous peoples.
Published in Projects
Thursday, 19 October 2006 07:15
Badges for Imperial Russian & Soviet Polar Exploration and Research
While many nations have awarded medals for Arctic and Antarctic exploration and scientific research over the last 200 years, Russia has also awarded special breast badges for these services. The tradition of breast badges dates back to the middle of the 19th century, when they were presented by military academies. Toward the end of the 1800s, all manner of badges were being produced, including those with maritime connections. Some honored the launching of ships, goodwill naval visits to foreign seaports, awards for winners of boat races — and to commemorate ocean voyages. After the Soviet Union came into existence in 1922, the tradition of awarding special badges was continued by Soviet civil and military institutions. Here is an illustrated review of some badges awarded for p...
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