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Press Releases Changing Earth Day Press Release or download: English Espanol Spanish Francais French ?????
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Friday, 12 January 2007 18:38
Outreach Activities for the International Permafrost Association (IPA)
Written by Nicola Munro
Press Releases Changing Earth Day Press Release or download: English Espanol Spanish Francais French ?????
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Photo courtesy of ACE CRC (photographer Simon Marsland) Ice Investigation #1: If icebergs melt, will sea level rise? Materials (per pair or team): deep dish pie or cake pan, toothpick, modelling clay, 2-3 ice cubes, water, clear plastic wrap 1. Give each team of students a pan and a lump of clay. 2. Mould the shape of a continent, pressing the edges flat against the pan. 3. Pour in water to partially cover the clay continent. 4. Put several ice cubes in the water to represent icebergs. (Note: The more ice you use, the easier it will be to see any changes in water level.) 5. Trace the water level into the clay with a toothpick or pencil. 6. Cover the pan with clear plastic wrap to prevent evaporation of t...
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Press Releases Changing Earth Day Press Release or download: English Espanol Spanish Francais French ?????
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Press Releases Changing Earth Day Press Release or download: English Espanol Spanish Francais French ?????
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Press Releases Changing Earth Day Press Release or download: English Espanol Spanish Francais French ?????
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Below is a list of Press officers responsible for launch events around the world. This is also available as a PDF of press_officers. Please also consult National IPY Committees for information on national events. ICSU: {encode="
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
" title="Carthage Smith"}, ICSU Paris WMO: {encode="
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
" title="Paul Garwood"}, WMO Australia: {encode="
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
" title="Sally Chambers"}, Government Antarctic Division Canada: {encode="
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
" title="Karen Edwards"}, Canadian IPY secret...
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A number of polar images available on the web such as British Antarctic Survey images (UK) Alfred-Wegener Institute images, video, and audio (Germany) National Science Foundation Antarctic Photolibrary (USA) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Arctic images (USA) ...
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Wednesday, 10 January 2007 01:58
Ice Experiments to celebrate the launch of IPY
Written by Rhian Salmon
Photo courtesy of ACE CRC (photographer Simon Marsland) Ice Investigation #1: If icebergs melt, will sea level rise? Materials (per pair or team): deep dish pie or cake pan, toothpick, modelling clay, 2-3 ice cubes, water, clear plastic wrap 1. Give each team of students a pan and a lump of clay. 2. Mould the shape of a continent, pressing the edges flat against the pan. 3. Pour in water to partially cover the clay continent. 4. Put several ice cubes in the water to represent icebergs. (Note: The more ice you use, the easier it will be to see any changes in water level.) 5. Trace the water level into the clay with a toothpick or pencil. 6. Cover the pan with clear plastic wrap to prevent evaporation of t...
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Calendar of Events
Fri, 07 May 2010IPY Monthly Report: May 2010
Tue, 30 Mar 2010IPY Report: April 2010
Wed, 03 Mar 2010IPY Report: March 2010
Tue, 02 Feb 2010IPY Report: February 2010
Thu, 21 Jan 2010IPY Oslo Science Conference -...
Friends of IPY
Fri, 02 Dec 2011Importància quiropterològica del delta del...
Fri, 02 Dec 2011Jornada «El 2012, de què...
Fri, 02 Dec 2011Missatge 12: Com era el...
Wed, 30 Nov 2011L'estat del malestar