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The GeoNorth 2009 conference, 4-6 August in Fairbanks, Alaska, is a unique opportunity to discuss issues and present current research related to geospatial activities in the arctic environment. This conference provides an opportunity to present results associated with the International Polar Year (IPY), environment and climate change monitoring and geographic analysis, geospatial standards and their application, and the construction of virtual collaborative networks including Arctic mapping and the virtual Arctic Spatial Data Infrastructure (ASDI). The conference is coordinated by the USGS, the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and the IPY Program Committee.
Sessions are planned for the following themes with a focus on the development, publication, and application of interdisciplinary data for analysis and re-use in the Arctic context:
* Societal, cultural, and indigenous mapping of local and traditional knowledge
* Imagery, remote sensing, and sensor networks for the arctic landscape
* Virtual globes, geo-browsers, and spatio-temporal data exploration
* Ocean data access and analysis
* Natural resource assessment in the Arctic
* Understanding and assessing changes on land and ice
* Climate and atmospheric data, trends, and analysis
* Forum on arctic mapping and the Arctic Spatial Data Infrastructure
* Geosphere and hydrosphere modeling
* Understanding geospatial standards and their application
*Abstracts arre due 1 June*
The following website includes information on the conference, the Call for Papers, and registration details. We look forward to your participation!
Douglas D. Nebert
Senior Advisor for Geospatial Technology, System-of-Systems Architect
FGDC Secretariat Phone: +1 703 648 4151 Fax: +1 703 648-5755
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