The mission of ANDRILL's Education and Public Outreach (EPO) program is to communicate climate change science to non-technical audiences. By using the inherent curiosity and excitement about working in the extreme environment of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean, ANDRILL's international network of scientists and educators work together to convey a deeper understanding of current geoscience research, as well as the process of science. The ARISE (ANDRILL’s Research Immersion for Science Educators) program was established as part of this mission. Six educators in 2006, eight in 2007, and one in 2008, worked with the scientists while in Antarctica to gain first-hand experience in field research, and then through ongoing projects are communicating the science to a wide range of global community audiences using blogs, videos, teleconferences, presentations and workshops. Project Iceberg, the repository for ANDRILL’s EPO projects, can be found at: www.andrill.org/education.

ANDRILL has developed many resources for teaching polar and climate science. One of the newest resources, Antarctica's Climate Secrets, is a digital package of high-resolution images, museum-quality banners, multi-media files, and hands-on, inquiry-based activities accessible via the Web. Images highlight ANDRILL scientists at work in Antarctica, and the activity book is filled with learning activities about climate change science. The video podcasts feature polar scientists speaking directly to youth about the joys and challenges of their work.The ANDRILL "Flexhibit" (FLEXible exHIBIT) model allows students to take on the role of scientist and teacher. Students build models and learn the science through hands-on activities and then share their new knowledge in a Flexhibit event in their community. Learn more about these materials at www.andrill.org/flexhibit.
PDF flyers:
Drilling Technology
ARISE (ANDRILL Research Immersion for Science Educators)
Southern McMurdo Sound (SMS) Project
Science Management Office
The following movie from the Project Iceberg collection explains ANDRILL's work. (two parts)