APECS, working in cooperation with the International Polar Year International Programme Office, is organsing an "International Lecture Series". Making this happen on your campus or in your community would not require a lot of effort, but the activities taking place worldwide during polar week can have a huge impact! Please see below list of all lectures taking place during March Polar Week.
Image from Jose Xavier
Germany:Date and time: March 13th 2010 at 11am
Location: Haus der Wissenschaft, Wissen um 11, Sandstraße 4/5, 28195 Bremen,Germany
Speaker: Dr. Christian Hass
Title: "Ein guter Stern für die Klimaforschung: mit PFS ,Polarstern' in Arktis und Antarktis" - Ein Beitrag zur internationalen PolarwocheContent:
Der Forschungseisbrecher "Polarstern" fährt seit fast 28 Jahren durch die Polarmeere und hat auf über 45 Expeditionen hunderte Wissenschaftler in die entlegendsten Gebiete der Polarmeere gebracht. Viele der wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten an Bord beschäftigen sich mit dem Klima der Vergangenheit oder mit den Auswirkungen der aktuellen Klimaentwicklung in den Gebieten, die besonders sensibel auf solche Veränderungen reagieren. Im Vortrag wird das Schiff vorgestellt und auf einige der Geräte eingegangen, die während der monatelangen Expeditionen zum Einsatz kommen. Schließlich wird kurz auf einige Forschungsergebnisse aus Arktis und Antarktis eingegangen und deren Beziehung zur aktuellen Klimadebatte dargestellt.
CV: Am Samstag, den 13. März um 11 Uhr wird Dr. Christian Hass den Vortrag
halten: "Ein guter Stern für die Klimaforschung: mit PFS ,Polarstern' in Arktis und Antarktis". Hass hat in Karlsruhe, Trier und Marseille studiert und 1993 an der CAU in Kiel in Meeresgeologie promoviert.
Danach folgten Anstellungen u.a. an der Bergakademie Freiberg, am University College London und schließlich am Alfred Wegener Institut für
Polar- und Meeresforschung in Bremerhaven. Seit 2002 arbeitet Christian Hass an der Wattenmeerstation des AWI in List auf Sylt, wo er neben der Polarforschung auch an der Sedimentdynamik im Wattenmeer und der Nordsee arbeitet.
******Discussion: How to explain climate change to children at didacta fair
Date and time: March 17th 2010 at 1415 (local time).
Location: Cologne, Fair Didacta, Koelnmesse GmbH, Messeplatz 1, Halle 9, Stand A20/B21
50679 Cologne, Germany
Speakers:• Prof. Dr. Friedrich-Wilhelm Gerstengarbe Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung
• Dr. Anna Wegner Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung
• Theodor Wahl-Aust Lehrer am Geschwister-Scholl-Gymnasium, Düsseldorf
• Eva Pütz Schülerin der 11. Klasse am Geschwister-Scholl-Gymnasium, Düsseldorf
Title:Schule im Schwitzkasten - wie erklärt man Kindern den Klimawandel?(FOCUS-SCHULE)
Wenn es um Klimaschutz geht, zeigt sich die Mehrheit der Schüler resigniert und unwissend. Das ergab eine aktuelle Umfrage des WWF. Viele finden, bevor sie sich selbst engagieren, sollen andere handeln. Doch wie kann man Schülern den Klimawandel und die Notwendigkeit von Umweltschutz vermitteln, ohne ihnen mit Horrorszenarien unnötig Angst einzujagen? Mit Ansprechpartnern aus Wissenschaft und Didaktik soll diskutiert werden, wie der Klimawandel anschaulich in den Unterricht eingebunden werden kann, was außerschulische Lernorte oder ungewöhnliche Schulprojekte (wie z.B. "Pax Arctica", die Reise von jungen Klimabotschaftern in die Arktis) bringen.
New Zealand:
Date and Time: 17th March at 1700 (local time)
Location: Jobberns Room, Level 4 Georgraphy
Presenters: Kurt Joy, a PhD candidate in Geology and Gateway Antarctica and Dr Melanie Massaro
The student presentation will be given by Kurt Joy, a PhD candidate in Geology and Gateway Antarctica. Kurt's current research interests lie in the use of cosmogenic dating techniques to unravel the retreat history of the Antarctic Ice Sheets. His presentation is entitled "Big ice or little ice?: Antarctica at the last Ice Age".
The staff presenation will be given by Dr. Melanie Massaro, who will talk about "Fluorescent yellow feathers in penguins: are they reliable indicators of condition". Melanie works as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Canterbury. While she presently leads a project on the endangered Chatham Island black robin (www.blackrobin.org.nz), she is also part of a multi-national programme to study the effects of climate variability on Adélie penguins on Ross Island, Antarctica. In her presentation, Melanie will talk about her research on fluorescent yellow feathers in penguins that she started during her PhD on yellow-eyed and Snares penguins and has now developed in a larger project involving researchers from UK (Drs. Phil Trathan and Glenn Crossin) and the US (Dr Kevin McGraw).
Date and time: 18th March 2010, 1300 to 2100 (Local time)
Location: BFE-Faculty, Store Auditorium E-101, University of Tromso, Norway
There are a lot of great research facilties in Tromsø. As a way to help young researchers from various institutions in Tromsø to meet each other the Tromsø High North Cluster (THiNC) and the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) will be hosting the 1st Tromsø Young Researchers Symposium.
The symposium is an event in connection with the International Polar Week: What Happens at the Poles Affects Us All (15-19 March).
For more information, including programme and registration details please see the Tromso Young Polar Researchers Symposium website or contact Ute Vogel .
Event Title: Permafrost! Polar Science at 62º South - Film Projection and discussion
Event Date and Time: 16 March from 1200 to 1300 (Local time)
Event location: Institute of Geography and Territorial Planning (IGOT-UL): University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
Presentor: Gonçalo Vieira, ANTECC coordinator
Organisers: ANTECC (Antarctic Environments and Climate Change) and Portuguese Committee for the International Polar Year
Contact: comite.api@gmail.com . More details at www.portalpolar.pt.
Event Title: Ambientes glaciares y periglaciares en Yukon (Canadá) y Patagónia (Argentina)
Event Date and Time: 17 March from 1200 - 1300 (Local time)
Event location: Institute of Geography and Territorial Planning (IGOT-UL): University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
Presentation Name: Marc Oliva, Post-doc at ANTECC IGOT-UL
Organisers: ANTECC (Antarctic Environments and Climate Change) and Portuguese Committee for the International Polar Year
Contact: comite.api@gmail.com . More details at www.portalpolar.pt
Event Title: Physical Geography and the fieldwork in Antarctica (Livingston Island)Event Date and Time: POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE
Event location: Institute of Geography and Territorial Planning (IGOT-UL): University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
Presentation Name: Alice Pena, Masters student in ANTECC IGOT-UL
Organisers: ANTECC (Antarctic Environments and Climate Change) and Portuguese Committee for the International Polar Year
Contact: comite.api@gmail.com . More details at www.portalpolar.pt
Event Date and Time: 19 March from 10 am
Event location: Institute of Marine Research: University of Coimbra, Coimbra, PortugalPresentation Name and Presenter: José Xavier, Marco Jorge and Alexandre Trindade
Contact name and e-mail for the coordinator: José Xavier ( jccx@cantab.net )
Event Date and Time: Wednesday 17th March at 1800 (local time)
Event Location: PUNKTmedis, Medborgarplatsen's Library, Stockholm
Title: Cold Mission: Polar Scientists trace climate changes on the Arctic Ocean Floor
Matti Karlström, a teacher from Björkhagen School and Ludvig Löwemark, Stockholm University, talk about their work onboard the icebreaker Oden in the Arctic. Matti participated in the LOMROG II expedition with Ludvig as part of the Swedish Teachers programme.
Presenters: Matti Karlström and Ludvig Löwemark.
Organisers: Swedish Polar Research Secretariat
More lectures to follow soon!
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